book covers teach and grow rich

A 5 Minute Overview Of

Teach and Grow Rich

Share Your Knowledge to Create Global Impact, Freedom and Wealth

About the Author

Danny Iny is the founder and CEO of Mirasee, a business education company. He is also a podcaster and highly experienced training course builder. He is the author of several books including Engagement From Scratch! and The Audience Revolution. He runs the Audience Business Masterclass and the Course Builder's Laboratory training programs which to date have graduated more than 5,000 students. Danny Iny also started Firepole Marketing in 2010 which grew from zero to more than $3 million in revenue in less than five years. He is a graduate of Queen's University and Concordia University.

The Main Idea

When Napoleon Hill published his business classic Think and Grow Rich in 1937, he proposed that having high personal expectations lays a good foundation for success. If he were to publish his book today, he quite possibly may have renamed it Teach and Grow Rich instead because the emerging opportunities for online education are massive and growing faster than almost any other industry you can name.Online learning or e-learning is already a multi-billion dollar industry and is well on track to become a $100+ billion dollar industry in the next few years. It is flourishing because online learning offers democratized access, opportunities to focus on niche topics which you feel passionate about and most importantly the chance to create value and make an impact at the same time.

Online learning is also popular because it genuinely levels the playing field. Anyone can create a course based on what they know and become a teacher. At the same time, students from around the world can enroll for the very best education products available anywhere. This $100+ billion dollar industry is wide open and the time to get involved in creating materials for online learning and profiting by teaching what you know is now.

If you teach, you will grow rich, and this is about more than just financial freedom. It also means having the freedom to shape your own lifestyle, do work that's meaningful, and make the world a better place. Seizing the Teach and Grow Rich opportunity isn't just for a small or specialized segment of our society. For once, the playing field is truly level.
Danny Iny

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